Asset tags are permanent-adhesive labels that companies and individuals use to track equipment for easier management and quicker processing. The tags may contain barcodes, serial numbering, company contact information and the like.
Why Tag Your Equipment?
Asset labels, especially those with QR or barcodes, let you follow an item through it’s lifecycle, tracking when it comes in, who is using it, how old it is.
This can be helpful in a wide variety of ways.
Frequently, companies use tags as the foundation for inventory purposes. Property ID tags can also help with audit and accounting compliance. They can give management the full scope of current assets and future needs, and track high-end items that need a physical ID.
In addition, asset tags act as the first line of defense against loss or theft of moveable assets. If you tag a laptop or other tool, you increase the chances of it being returned.
At Qwerty System Solutions Limited, we offer the best Asset Tagging/Tracking Services in Lagos.